Narrative direction of the Narrative of the Release.
Story, Plot, Theme, Character Arcs, Lore, Dialogue, Cinematics, NPC Vignettes.
Black Armory was the first of new Annual Pass beats. Instead of a DLC that drop all the content on Day 1, this annual pass content was providing a stream of content spread out over 3 months. It was a challenging project as we were asking players to change their expectations, and we worked with a partner studio on the other side of the country, Vicarious Visions. I helped set up a new vision on how narrative content can be experienced in this new framework and laid out a foundation for the rest of the year. We focused the story on one new character, Ada-1. The player helps her evolve from her oppressing respect of traditions to embracing change that progress brings.
Her origin story is explored in a touching lore book that I’ve developed in collaboration with Adam Miller and Gerry Duggan: The Black Armory Papers.