Narrative Design lead for the Campaign.
Story, Plot, Theme, Character Arcs, Dialogue, Cinematics, NPC Vignettes.
I’ve taken on the Narrative direction of the Red War campaign. The story itself was a real collaboration with the Campaign lead, lead Writer and Cinematic lead. My main focus was on the narrative design of the 17 missions, including NPC vignettes, dialogue and overall pacing. My first goal was to give some depth to the 3 main characters, Zavala, Ikora and Cayde and focusing the story around them. At the same time, the Destiny universe needed some clarification, so we focused this campaign on the Light. While the player loses its Light (its super powers), the main antagonist, Ghaul, wants to find a way to harness it. During this journey, the player understand what it really means to have Light and to be a Guardian.
One of my focus was on collaborating with engineers to develop tools to allow us to have NPC vignettes during gameplay.